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Lockdown #2 and Availability...


I was so excited to reopen in June. I had such a blast discovering resturaunts and a few new kind souls along the way who trusted me and made 2020 easier to bear. I had so many FM2U on the horizon, plans, and was looking forward to growing Serena Ivy more after a great takeoff in 2019. And then, COVID-19 happened. The memories of conventions long past, friends made and fun dates were memories to hang on to. FM2U were delayed, I closed down to only virtual offerings and tried to stay sane through workouts and sheer positivity. My experience as a cam model became a valued asset.

girl in purple dress by painless pleasure photo
Painless Pleasure Photography

And after supporting small businesses, the city reopened, and life almost went back to normal. Almost. I got to play Cupid, work with some notable photographers including the beautiful Painless Pleasure Photography and tried to enjoy summer to the fullest. Now, we are back in Lockdown #2. And it's the holiday season to boot. I have chosen to close my doors once again to virtual offerings to ensure health and happiness for the rest of us. Don't fret - in 2021 I will be back with a vengance and look forward to meeting new souls for new adventures. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Much love and stay safe,

Xo, Serena.

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East York, ON

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